Monday 9 June 2014

Online Kuchipudi Dancers Kerala.........

Kuchipudi is one such unique form of Art which is the tasteful blend of grace and vigour, elevation and sensuality, of control and abandon. With its roots buried in the soil of Andhra Pradesh in India, Kuchipudi was born in a remote Village from which it derived its name. In the early days, the Kuchipudi style of dance was in the form of dance dramas, the main purpose being to inculcate divine ecstasy which invokes immortal bliss and brings one closer to the path of salvation. The Dancer not only merely dances but also acts with gestures as well as words. It takes at least ten years for an ordinary dancer to master this art and be able to express Bhava through eyes and Rhythm through foot work.

Tuesday 3 June 2014

Famous Online Classical Dancers Kerala

In the Indian culture, classical dance has a lot of significance. It is not merely meant for entertaining oneself, but it serves as a fabulous way to express the innate feelings of heart. Indian Classical Dance is one of the most comprehensive and oldest dance forms in the world. Most of the development of Indian dance is linked to the 2nd century B.C.  It is one of the best means to get connected to God.